Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm C.S.T.


115 W Washington St
Rensselaer, IN 47978

Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm C.S.T.


115 W Washington St
Rensselaer, IN 47978



Contact Us

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm

Phone: (219) 866-4914


dawn hoffman

Dawn Hoffman

Jasper County Assessor's Office
115 W Washington St
Suite 104
Rensselaer, IN 47978
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Tax Assessor Information

The Jasper County Assessor's office is located in the County Courthouse in Rensselaer, Indiana.

The Office of the Jasper County Assessor (Dawn Hoffman) is responsible for accurately and uniformly determining the market-value-in-use of every property in the county while serving the public with integrity in a helpful, professional and knowledgeable manner. This is achieved by using three approaches to value: Cost, Income, and Sales Comparison. The State now requires annual adjustments of assessments to reflect changes in the market. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding your assessment.

Topics of Interest

The agricultural land base rates for tax year 2022 payable in 2023 have been set by the Department of Local Government Finance at $1,500 per acre.

The calculation to compute the new base rate is supplied in the Ag Land Rate Reference Materials available in the link below.

Prior year agricultural rates are as follows:

  • 2023 payable 2024 - $1,900
  • 2022 payable 2023 - $1,500
  • 2021 payable 2022 - $1,290
  • 2020 payable 2021 - $1,280
  • 2019 payable 2020 - $1,560
  • 2018 payable 2019 - $1,610
  • 2017 payable 2018 - $1,850
  • 2016 payable 2017 - $1,960
  • 2015 payable 2016 - $2,050
  • 2014 payable 2015 - $2,050
  • 2013 payable 2014 - $1,760
  • 2012 payable 2013 - $1,630
  • 2011 payable 2012 - $1,500

You have the right to appeal your assessed value.

CLICK HERE to download Form 130 - Notice to Initiate Appeal.

CLICK HERE to download the Appeals Flow Chart.

For Individuals dying before January 1, 2013:

Inheritance Tax is calculated based on all assets owned by a person at the time of their death.  The current, state-prescribed forms must be submitted in the county where the decedent lived at the time of death.  Completed IH-14 forms are approved by and filed with the Assessor's office.  The Inheritance Tax return, Form IH-6, is due within 9 months from the date of death and should be filed with both the County Clerk's office and the Assessor's office.

The Assessor's office audits the Inheritance Tax returns and therefore cannot assist in the preparation of any Inheritance Tax documents.  Please consult an attorney or tax professional for assistance in completing the documents.

NOTICE - Inheritance Tax Repealed:

Indiana's inheritance tax was repealed for individuals dying after Dec. 31, 2012. No inheritance tax returns (Form IH-6 for Indiana residents and Form IH-12 for nonresidents) have to be prepared or filed. No tax has to be paid. In addition, no Consents to Transfer (Form IH-14) personal property or Notice of Intended Transfer of Checking Account (Form IH-19) are required for those dying after Dec. 31, 2012.

Indiana Code (specifically IC 6-1.1-4-13.6) requires the County Assessor to determine land values and submit them to the Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals.  

A copy of the 2022 Land Order is available for review in the Assessor's office. 

Indiana Code 6-1.1-10-16 describes the use and/or purpose necessary to become tax exempt.  Organizations such as charitable, educational, literary, scientific, or religious may be eligible for tax exemption.  An exemption must be timely filed or it will be deemed waived. Exemptions must be filed on or before April 1 with the County Assessor.

To apply: Form 136 - Application for Property Tax Exemption must be filed along with copies of:

  • By-laws
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Financial Statements for the previous three (3) years*
  • Balance sheets
  • Summary of income and expenditures
  • Exemption letter and other relevant documents from the IRS.
  • Property Record Card (this document my be obtained from the County Assessor)

The Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals (PTABOA) considers the application and issues a determination of approval, partial approval, or denial. The petitioner will be sent a notice of the final determination of the board. A denial can be appealed to the Indiana Board of Tax Review within thirty days of the denial notice.

Entities which are granted an exemption under IC 6-1.1-10-16 for property which is owned, occupied, and used by a person for educational, literary, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes, need not refile for an exemption unless the use, property characteristics or ownership changes.

  • Anyone who owns, controls or possesses personal property, with a tax situs within the state, must file a return

  • The assessment date for Personal Property is January 1st and the filing is due May 15th each year.

  • Amended returns are allowed within one year from the date of original return or May 15th.
    Only timely filed original returns can be amended. IC 6-1.1-3-7.5

Forms can be obtained by clicking here.

Attention Taxpayers

Recent changes in Indiana law now require taxpayers who file a Business Tangible Personal Property Return (103 Long, 103 Short, or 102 Farm) to complete the entire form.  All returns should also include a completed Form 104.  The following are regularly absent from filed business personal property returns:

  • Principal Business Codes (see NAICS Business Activity Codes)


  • Taxpayer must sign both forms.

  • Incomplete returns may result in fines pursuant to Indiana law IC 6-1.1- 37-7(d).

*All Form 102's and 103's need to be coded with whichever code best describes the business that the forms are being submitted for.


Taxpayer timely file


Filed between 5/16 and 6/16


Filed after 6/16

$25 + 20%

Failure to File

$25 + 20%

Filed but non compliant


Late and non compliant

$25 + $25

Filed after 6/16 & non compliant

$25 + 20% + $25

*Non compliance is filing an incomplete or erroneous return.


The Form 113/PP will provide an explanation as to why you are receiving it.
Some possible reasons for receiving a Form 113/PP include:
A. Failure to file applicable personal property return
B. The return had an error that changed the assessment amount

What can I do if I receive a Form 113/PP?

  • You have thirty (30) days from the date on Form 113/PP to file a return if one was never received.

  • You can appeal. You have forty-five (45) days from the date on the form to appeal the change in assessed value.

  • You can do nothing. After the 30/45 days have passed, the assessment will stand with all penalties (if applicable).

Penalties cannot be removed once they are applied.

Basic Filing Information

Due Date

This year, May 15, 2023. (Penalties will apply after this date)


No extensions will be granted (Timely filed returns my be amended within 6 months)

Form 102 & 103

Include your Federal ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security number. The DLGF
requires that all questions on the forms be answered to avoid a non-compliance penalty of $25. 
We observe strict confidentiality rules.

Form 104

Please complete and sign on page 1.

103-N & 103-O

Use 103-O for equipment you OWN and lease to others, use 103-N for equipment
you do NOT OWN, but lease.


Please be consistent in reporting the correct Taxpayer Name and DBA Name


Forms 102/103 and 104 must be signed


If you were no longer in operation prior to 1/1/2023, please sign your personal
property return, note the closure date, and return your forms to the County
Assessor's office.

NAICS Search

Unlike Real Estate assessments, Personal Property is a self-assessment system. The taxpayer is responsible for reporting all tangible personal property that is used in their trade or business, used for the production of income, or held as an investment that should be or is subject to depreciation for federal income tax purposes.

  • Anyone who owns, controls or possesses personal property, with a tax situs within the state, must file a return
  • The assessment date for Personal Property is January 1st and the filing is due May 15th each year.
  • Amended returns are allowed within one year from the date of original return or May 15th. Only timely filed original returns can be amended. IC 6-1.1-3-7.5

Under $80,000 Business Personal Property Exemption

Statute requires a taxpayer that meets the requirements for this exemption to file an annual personal property return signed under penalties of perjury stating that the taxpayer’s business personal property in the county is exempt from taxation for the applicable assessment date. In addition, please note that the exemption is automatic regardless of whether the taxpayer files the required return, however, per statute the taxpayer will be subject to penalties for failure to file if the return is not received by May 15. 

Forms can be obtained by clicking on the links under Forms & Applications on the left side of this page.

Attention Taxpayers

Recent changes in Indiana law now require taxpayers who file a Business Tangible Personal Property Return (103 Long, 103 Short, or 102 Farm) to complete the entire form.  All returns should also include a completed Form 104.  The following are regularly absent from filed business personal property returns:

  • Principal Business Codes (see link to NAICS Business Activity Codes below)
  • Taxpayer must sign both forms.
  • Incomplete returns may result in fines pursuant to Indiana law IC 6-1.1- 37-7(d).

*All Form 102's and 103's need to be coded with whichever code best describes the business that the forms are being submitted for.


Located on page one of the Business Tangible Personal Property Return (Forms 102 & 103), this is the same six-digit principal business activity code that appears in Schedule K, Line 2(a) of a corporation's federal income tax return.

Located on page one of the Business Tangible Personal Property Return (Forms 102 & 103), this is the same six-digit principal business activity code that appears in Schedule K, Line 2(a) of a corporation's federal income tax return.


To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised that the Jasper County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals (PTABOA) will commence its 2022 annual session on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Room of the Jasper County, Indiana Courthouse; for the purposes of organizing
the Board, reviewing and hearing appeals and other related matters concerning assessments and taxes. This annual session shall continue from time to time thereafter until the Board’s duties are completed. Detailed agendas will be duly posted at the entrance to the hearing room
immediately prior to each hearing during the session.

This notice is give pursuant to IC 6-1.1-28-6.

Dawn R. Hoffman
Jasper County Assessor
115 W Washington Street, STE 104
Rensselaer, IN 47978

Per Senate Enrolled Act 19 - 2012, starting July 1, 2014, a "general reassessment" of property has been replaced with a "cyclical reassessment." (That refers to the reassessment of 25% of the parcels in each year of the cycle.)

The basic premise of a "cyclical reassessment" is to spread the reassessment activities, including the inspection and updating of all of the parcels and parcel characteristics, in an assessment jurisdiction, over a four (4) year period instead of a twenty (20) month period.  Upon completion of this four year period, a new four year period will begin in the same manner.

 The Jasper County Assessor’s office will be visiting all parcels in the county as required by Indiana Code 6-1.1-4.  We will inspect each parcel in the county over the next four years, 2022-2026.

Field workers will be reviewing our information and taking measurements of buildings.  As you know, structures may change over time from wear and tear, or remodeling. 

This review does not mean your property assessment will increase.  Our statutory duty is to arrive at an estimate of market value for each parcel.  Each year, we use sales of similar properties to arrive at those estimates.  The field reviews may lead to increases, decreases, or as in most cases, very little change in property value.  The field reviews are designed to increase the accuracy of the assessment information.

Our field workers will carry identification and be able to answer general questions about your property.  Please assist them in answering questions they may have about numbers of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.  We strive to make sure our information is as accurate as possible.