Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm C.S.T.


115 W Washington St
Rensselaer, IN 47978

Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm C.S.T.


115 W Washington St
Rensselaer, IN 47978



Contact Us

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm

Phone: 219-866-4923
Fax: 219-866-4940


Headshot of kimberley grow


Kimberly K. Grow
Phone: 219-866-4923

Beth Warren
Phone: 219-866-4923
Business 2: (219) 866-4924

115 W Washington St
Suite 203
Rensselaer, IN 47978
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The County Recorder was the first office created by the Constitution of the State of Indiana in 1816.

The Recorder (currently Kimberly K. Grow) is elected to a four-year term, with a two terms limitation. It is the primary duty of the County Recorder to record instruments submitted for recording and maintain those records for perpetuity.

What Does the Jasper County Recorder Do? The county recorder's function is to maintain permanent public records involving a wide variety of instruments. These documents detail transactions involving real estate, mining, personal property, mortgages, liens, leases, subdivision plats, military discharges, personal bonds, etc. Generally, all of these instruments are recorded either for giving legal public notice of their existence or for safekeeping and future reference. The recorder maintains and preserves all legal documents affecting title to real property. These records are the legal basis for determining ownership. The degree with which the recorder fulfills his or her responsibilities ultimately forms the legal foundation for the institution of private property. The recorder is a member of the county commission on public records, which has authority over the preservation or disposition of all public records maintained by the county. (Generally, see IC 36-2-11, for the duties of the county recorder.)

The Recorder's Staff is not bonded to search public records or give any legal opinions. If you know the recording information, you may request a copy from our office. Public terminals are available to search records Monday thru Friday 8:00A.M. to 4:00P.M. in the Recorder’s Office.

We are currently back indexed to the following:
Deeds back indexed to 1/1/1896
Mortgages back indexed to 1/1/1963


Topics of Interest

  1. Check that the document is complete. Example: If the document states an "exhibit" check to see if there is one. That the legal is complete and in the correct county.
  2. Document must be legible, has been printed, typewritten or computer generated. Black ink is required.
  3. See that the names on the document appear the same throughout the document.
  4. If it is a document which should contain a legal description, that there is one attached.
  5. If a deed is submitted, check to see if it contains a tax mailing address and grantees address, no PO Box.
  6. Check the document for correct notarization; that the Notary has met his/hers requirements such as Notary's name printed, typed or stamped under signature, Notary's county of residence is present. Notary's commission expiration date is provided. A seal is required, per state, on document whether it be a stamp or an embossed impression.
  7. Documents that have been notarized in the State of Indiana must contain a "Prepared By" statement with the name of the preparer typed or printed at the end of the statement. Must be a person's name, not the company's name.
  8. That each document contains the "Affirmation Statement" (redaction), A name is required at the end of the statement. Again, name must be typed or printed. This applies to all documents that require a "Prepared By" statement. See IC 36-2-11-
  9. If the document is a "COPY" that it is marked a "COPY" and meets all recording requirements to be recorded.
  10. Make sure a reference is present on documents that require one. Example: Releases, assignments and easements.
  11. You have enough funds to cover the recording fees. See fee schedule.
  12. Any cross reference must be on first page.

Under Indiana Code 23-15-1-1, a Sole Proprietorship and General Partnership must file a "Certificate of Assumed Business Name" with the County Recorder of each county in which it has a place of business.

For more information on starting a business, please contact the Indiana Secretary of State's Office at:

Recording fee is $25.00. Sign form in front of notary.

The Recorder's Office does not provide lien forms. The Recorder's Office suggests forms can be found in an attorney's office. We do require on the lien the name of the current owner of record with a mailing address. A legal description of the property needs to be on the lien. The company's signature needs to be signed in front of a notary with the notary requirements.

Prepared by and affirmation statements both need to be on the document with the names typed or printed after EACH statement. Please see IC 32-28-3-3.

  • Insufficient funds, including recording fees, see fee schedule
  • Notary information not complete
  • Names not printed or typed under EACH signature
  • Grantee's full address on all deeds, cannot be a PO Box and stating it is the Grantee's address
  • Incorrect book/page or document number on releases or assignments
  • Missing Power of Attorney information if document is signed by POA
  • No name of person in preparation statement or the affirmation statement. Auditor may have issues.

The Jasper County Recorder works with the following Recorded Document Types:

  • Deeds
  • Mortagages
  • Releases
  • Mortgage Modifications
  • Real Estate Contracts
  • Bonds
  • Mechanic Liens
  • Power of Attorney
  • Assumed Business Name
  • Affidavits
  • Federal Tax Lien
  • Military Discharge
  • Sewer Liens and Releases
  • Surveys and Plats
  • Termination of Life Estate

Essential Recording Requirements

Acknowledgements: To entitle any conveyance, mortgage, or instrument of writing to be recorded.

Legibility of Names: Typed or printed under each signature exactly as signed.

Name of Person Preparing Instrument: Each document executed or notarized in Indiana.

Notarized Documents: Requires county residence of notary and commission expiration.

Transfer of Deeds of Taxation: Endorsement by Auditor before recording.

Release of Satisfaction of Liens: May be executed by President, Vice-President, Cashier, Secretary, Treasurer, General Manager, or Attorney-in-Fact only.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PREPARER OR REVIEWER, new legislation will take effect regarding the recording of instruments in the County Recorder's Office. This specifically has to do with reviewing documents presented for recording for social security numbers.

Responsibilities of the Preparer or Reviewer of a document to be recorded:

  • A document may not be submitted to the County Recorder for recording or filing that contains a Social Security number unless required by law. IC 36-2-7.5-4
  • The preparer must make the statement required by IC 36-2-11-15(c), identifying the name of the preparer, on all instruments not exempted under IC 36-2-11-15(a).
  • Any document that must by statute have a prepared by statement must also have the affirmation statement listed in IC 36-2-11-15(d). Typed exactly as quoted in the statute, "I affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law (name)." Exceptions to this rule are instruments executed before 7-1-1959, judgments, court orders, writs, wills, death certificates, federal tax liens, federal tax lien releases, and instruments prepared or acknowledged outside Indiana. The name can be typed, printed or a signature. Effective July 1, 2007, Senate Bill 0412 amends this law to add that the statement must be at the conclusion of the instrument and immediately preceding or following the preparation statement.
  • Anyone who submits a document with the affirmation statement and without redacting a Social Security number commits perjury.

Grantee's Address

  • Senate Bill 0232-Amends IC 32-32-2-3
  • Effective July 2, 2007, if the mailing address on the conveyance is not a street address or a rural route address of the grantee, the conveyance must also include a street address or rural route address of the grantee after the mailing address. P O Box numbers are not acceptable as the grantee's address.

Sales Disclosures

  • Senate Bill 0287-Amends IC 6-1.1-5.5-3(b)
  • Effective July 2, 2007, before filing a conveyance document with the county auditor all the parties to the conveyance must submit the sales disclosure form to the county assessor.

Military Discharges

  • Effective May 15, 2007 House Bill 1546.
  • A military discharge record in not a public record under IC 5-14-3. A county recorder may provide a certified copy of a discharge record only to those persons named within the law.

What is an assumed business name in Indiana? Persons (sole-proprietors) or General Partnerships conducting business in Indiana in a name other than the real name of person or general partnership [DBA] shall record an Assumed Business Name certificate with the County Recorder (IC 23-0.5-3-4).

Filing fee is $25.00.