Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm C.S.T.


115 W Washington St
Rensselaer, IN 47978

Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm C.S.T.


115 W Washington St
Rensselaer, IN 47978



Contact Us

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm
Excluding Holidays

Phone: (219) 866-4938

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The office of the County Treasurer is a constitutional office. The constitution of Indiana and Indiana statutory law provides for the election of a treasurer in each county. The treasurer is responsible for the collection of county property taxes and is the custodian for all money belonging to the county.

The treasurer is also responsible to invest the public funds in a manner which provides the highest investment return with maximum security.

The Treasurer is responsible for the mailing of the tax statements and for the collection and distribution of the taxes generated in Jasper County. The treasurer also collects drainage assessments, excise tax, sewer liens, inn keepers tax and inheritance tax.

Term: 4 years - elected - two term limit in 12 years.

Chief function of the Treasurer is to collect and retain custody of and disperse county funds.

  • Mails and collects property taxes
  • Also collects Inheritance taxes, excise taxes, inn keepers taxes.

Furnishes clearances for:

  • Alcoholic beverage licenses
  • Mobile home moving permit or transfer of ownership
  • Keep record of property owner's addresses
  • Invest funds.